
2020-9-25 14:55| 发布者: anpopocom| 查看: 400| 评论: 0

摘要: 针对疫情期间的学签问题,加拿大移民处北京办公室于今日给出了权威的解答。Q: I have studied in Canada for 4 years, and now it is the last semester to graduate. I need to go back to Canada to pack up. Will ...

Q: I have studied in Canada for 4 years, and now it is the last semester to graduate. I need to go back to Canada to pack up. Will I be considered as living in Canada and can I go back to Canada now?

问:我已经在加拿大留学 4 年,现在是毕业前的最后一个学期。我需要回到加拿大打包整理。我 是否会被认为是居住在加拿大,能否现在回到加拿大?

A: A determination on your purpose of travel will be made by an officer at the port of entry. Students with a valid study permit are exempt from the travel restrictions. However, you will still have to demonstrate at the time of boarding and entering Canada that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose. In other words, bring any proof that you are living in Canada at the moment and any other documents that will demonstrate that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose. Present them at the time of boarding and entering Canada.

答:你的出行目的将由入境口岸的官员决定。持有有效学习许可的学生免于旅行限制。但是你仍 然必须在登机和入境加拿大的时候表明你的出行目的是非随意性的。也就是说,请携带任何可以 证明你目前居住在加拿大的证明或者任何可以证明你的出行目的是非随意性的文件。并在登机和 入境加拿大的时候出示。

Q: A student was approved for a study permit on or before March 18, 2020. If he/she would like to travel to Canada, is he/she travelling for a non-discretionary purpose?

问:一位学生于 2020 年 3 月 18 日或之前获批了学习许可。如果他/她想要前往加拿大,那么他/ 她是出于非随意目的出行吗?

A: If your study permit application was approved on or before March 18, 2020, you will need to present proof at the airport and to the border services officer that demonstrates that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose. This may include, but is not limited to, proof that you need to be in Canada for your program (for laboratories, workshops) or pursuing your studies online is not an option at your school or not possible from your home country (due to internet restrictions or bandwidth limitation), etc.

答:如果你的学习许可申请在 2020 年 3 月 18 日或之前被审核通过,你需要在机场向边境官员出 示证明以表示你的出行是出于非随意的目的。这些证明包括但不限于:证明你需要身在加拿大参 加项目(如实验室,工作坊)或者你无法在你的学校在线参加学习项目或者无法从你本国参加 (由于网络限制或带宽限制)等等。

Q: My study permit application was approved on or before March 18, 2020, but I am not able to receive the study permit until I get to the port of entry. I do have a valid visa. Can I travel to Canada?

问:我的学习许可申请于 2020 年 3 月 18 日或之前获批,但是我只有到了入境口岸才可以获得学 习许可。我确实持有有效签证。请问我是否符合旅行豁免要求?

A: If you were approved for a study permit on or before March 18, 2020, you are exempt from the travel restrictions. However, you will still have to demonstrate at the time of boarding and entering Canada that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose (e.g. you need to be in Canada for your program to have access to laboratories or pursuing your studies online is not an option).

答:如果你在 2020 年 3 月 18 日(含)之前获批了学习许可,你则不受旅行限制约束。不过,你 在登机以及入境加拿大时都需证明你并非出于随意目的出行(比如,你的学习项目需要在加拿大的 实验室完成或者你无法在线完成学习)。

Q: I am outside Canada with a soon-to-be-expired study permit. Am I allowed to go back to Canada, and if so, can I renew my study permit after arrival in Canada?

问:我现在不在加拿大,并持有即将过期的学习许可。我是否被允许前往加拿大?如果可以,我 是否可以在到达加拿大后更新我的学习许可?

A: If you are an international student who has a valid study permit and a valid visa, you are exempt from the travel restrictions. However, you will still have to demonstrate at the time of boarding and when entering Canada that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose. Once in Canada, students must apply online to extend their study permit before it expires.

答:如果你是持有有效的学习许可及签证的留学生,那么你将免于旅行限制。不过,你仍必须在 登机和入境加拿大的时候证明你的出行目的是非随意性的。一旦到达加拿大,留学生必须在学习 许可过期之前在线申请学习许可的延期。

Q: My study permit extension was approved ON or BEFORE March 18, 2020 but my entry visa was approved AFTER March 18, 2020. Can I enter Canada under the travel exemptions?

问:我的学习许可延期申请于 2020 年 3 月 18 日(含)之前获批,但是我的入境签证则在 2020 年 3 月 18 日之后获批。我能免于旅行限制入境加拿大吗?

A: As long as you have a valid study permit and a valid visa, you are exempt from the travel restrictions, even if your visa was issued after March 18. However, you will still have to demonstrate at the time of boarding and entering Canada that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose.

答:只要你持有有效的学习许可和有效的签证,即使你的签证于 3 月 18 日之后签发,你都免于旅 行限制。然而,你仍必须在登机和入境加拿大的时候证明你的出行目的是非随意性的。

Q: My study permit extension was approved AFTER March 18, 2020. Can I enter Canada under the travel exemptions?

问:我的学习许可延期申请于 2020 年 3 月 18 日之后获批,我能否免于旅行限制入境加拿大?

A: As long as your status has been maintained, and you have a valid study permit and a valid visa, you are exempt from the travel restrictions. However, you will still have to demonstrate at the time of boarding and entering Canada that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose.

答:只要你的身份已获得保留,且你持有有效的学习许可和有效的签证,则免于旅行限制。然 而,你仍必须在登机和入境加拿大的时候证明你的出行目的是非随意性的。

Q: My study permit is expired and I have applied for an extension within Canada. Then, I left Canada. Am I allowed to go back to Canada to pursue my studies?

问:我的学习许可过期了,我在加拿大境内已经提交了延期申请。然后我离开加拿大回国了, 我 会被允许返回加拿大继续学习吗?

A: No you may not. If a student has applied for a study permit extension and then left Canada, they may not resume study in Canada until their application for extension has been approved. Furthermore, a valid visa and a valid study permit will be required for students to return to Canada to study under the travel restrictions.

答:不可以。如果学生提交了学习许可延期申请后离开了加拿大,他们在延期申请获得批准之 前,不可以回到加拿大学习。而且,在旅行限制下,学生要求必须同时拥有一份有效的签证和一 份有效的学习许可才可以返回加拿大。

Q: My study permit is expired and I am currently outside Canada. Can I extend my study permit from abroad?

问:我的学习许可过期了,但我本人不在加拿大, 我可以在海外申请延期学习许可吗?

A: No, if your study permit expired while abroad, you are not able to extend your study permit. Please remember that students outside Canada with an expired study permit are not exempt from the travel restrictions. They can apply online for a new study permit that would allow them to pursue their studies online outside Canada until the travel restrictions are modified. When you apply, you should submit as many of the documents needed for a complete application as possible including a letter of explanation for any documents that are missing due to COVID-19.

答:不可以。如果你的学习许可过期时身在海外,你不能提交学习许可延期申请。请谨记,学生 本人不在加拿大境内并且其学习许可已经过期,则不能获得旅行限制豁免。在旅行限制修改之 前,他们可以提交一份新的学习许可申请以便在加拿大境外开始在线学习。当你提交申请时,你 必须尽可能多的提交一个完整申请所需的资料,如因新冠疫情而无法提供一些资料,则应为缺失 的文件附上解释信。

Q: I applied for a study permit extension and it was approved, but I left Canada before receiving the renewal. Will I be able to enter Canada with my previous study permit, which is still valid? Am I exempt from the travel restrictions?

问:我申请了学习许可延期并获得批准,但是我在取得新的学习许可之前离开了加拿大。 我可以 拿我之前的有效学习许可进入加拿大吗? 我可以免于旅行限制吗?

A: Yes, you would be considered exempt from the travel restrictions if you are an international student with a valid study permit. However, you will still have to demonstrate at the time of boarding and entering Canada that you are travelling for a non-discretionary purpose. In addition, a valid visa is needed to enter Canada.

答:是的,如果您是持有有效的学习许可的留学生,则将被视为免于旅行限制。 不过,你仍必须 在登机和入境加拿大的时候证明你的出行目的是非随意性的。此外,入境加拿大需要有效签证。





